Sunday, October 28, 2007
Reference List
Barber, N. (1998). Secular changes in standards of bodily attractiveness in American women: Different masculine and feminine ideals. The Journal of Psychology, 132, 87-94.
Baron, R.A., Byrne, D., & Branscombe, N.R. (2006). Social Psychology (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Baumeister, R.F., & Bushman, B.J. (2008). Social Psychology and Human Nature. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.
Breckler, S.J., Olson, J.M., & Wiggins, E.C. (2006). Social Psychology Alive. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.
Byrne, D. (1997). An overview of research and theory within the attraction paradigm. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 14, 417-431.
Byrne, D., & Clore, G.L. (1970). A reinforcement-affect model of evaluative responses. Personality: An International Journal, 1, 103-128.
Cunningham, M.R., Barbee, A.P., & Pike, C.L. (1990). What do women want? Facialmetric assessment of multiple motives in the perception of male and female facial physical attractiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 61-72.
Dittes, J.E., & Kelley, H.H. (1956). Effects of different conditions of acceptance upon conformity to group norms. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 53, 100-107.
Festinger, L., Schachter, S., & Back, K. (1950). Social pressures in informal groups: A study of human factors in housing. New York: Harper.
Fraley, B., & Aron, A. (2004). The effect of a shared humorous experience on closeness in initial encounters. Personal Relationships, 11, 61-78.
Gangestad, S.W., & Scheyd, G. (2005). The evolution of human physical attractiveness. Annual Review of Anthropology, 34, 523-548.
Grammer, K., & Thornhill, R. (1994). Human (Homo Sapiens) facial attractiveness and sexual selection: The role of symmetry and averageness. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 108, 233-242.
Johnson, S. (2003). Laughter. Discover, 62-68.
Joiner, T.E. Jr. (1994). The interplay of similarity and self-verification in relationship formation. Social Behavior and Personality, 22, 195-200.
Kalick, S.M., & Hamilton III, T.E. (1986). The matching hypothesis reexamined. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 673-682.
Klohnen, E.C., & Luo, S. (2003). Interpersonal attraction and personality: What is attractive- Self similarity, ideal similarity, complementarity, or attachment security. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 709-722.
Langlois, J.H., & Roggman, L.A. (1990). Attractive faces are only average. Psychological Science, 1, 115-121.
Lehr, A.T., & Geher, G. (2006). Differential effects of reciprocity and attitude similarity across long versus short term mating contexts. The Journal of Social Psychology, 146, 423-439.
Mealey, L., Bridgstock, R., & Townsend, G.C. (1999). Symmetry and perceived facial attractiveness: A monozygotic co-twin comparison. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 151-158.
Michener, H.A., & DeLamater, J.D. (1999). Social Psychology (4th ed.). Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Saegert, S., Swap, W., & Zajonc, R.B. (1973). Exposure, context and interpersonal attraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 25, 234-242.
Singh, D. (1993). Adaptive significance of female physical attractiveness: Role of waist-hip ratio. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 293-307.
South, S. J. (1991). Socio-demographic differentials in mate selection preferences. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 53, 928-940.
Swami, V., Caprario, C., Tovee, M.J., & Furnham, A. (2006). Female physical attractiveness in Britain and Japan: A cross cultural study. European Journal of Personality, 20, 69-81.
Swami, V., et al. (2007). Male physical attractiveness in Britain and Greece: A cross cultural study. The Journal of Social Psychology, 147, 15-26.
Vaughan, G.M., & Hogg, M.A. (2005). Introduction to Social Psychology (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Walster, E., Aronson, V., Abrahams, D., & Rottmann, L. (1966). Importance of physical attractiveness in dating behaviour. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 508-516.
Hot or Not: A Social-Psychological Inquiry into Interpersonal Attraction and Attractiveness Perception.
A multitude of variables influence the perception of attractiveness in romantic and sexual relationships. Propinquity, similarity, personality and affect, reciprocity, reinforcement and physical attractiveness have been discussed as influencing factors of interpersonal attraction. Further, this blog asserts that attraction is influenced by cultural and societal context, by history, time and generational influences and by innate evolutionary drives. An integrational model is proposed, whereby the author theorises that interpersonal attraction depends on many interacting models, theories and research reports. Concept maps, examples and numerous models complete the analysis.
Attractiveness and interpersonal attraction are defined as the allure, magnetism or liking between two or more people (Breckler, Olsen, & Wiggins, 2006). This blog will analyse why some people are considered attractive, specifically within a romantic and sexual context. It will discuss the concepts of propinquity, similarity and the interaction between personality/affect and attraction. Next, reciprocity, reinforcement and physical attractiveness will be assessed. Factors influencing the perception of attractiveness will be analysed including: cross cultural, trans-generational and evolutionary variables. Finally, this blog will propose an ‘Integrational Model’ of attractiveness, theorising that many interacting theories and research findings can provide a comprehensive explanation of why some people are considered attractive.
Propinquity is a potent catalyst of attraction. It is defined the nearness or proximity in physical or psychological space which creates the opportunity to meet another person (Vaughan & Hogg, 2005). Propinquity facilitates initial relationships and attraction creating familiarity and repeated exposure (Breckler et al., 2006).
Proximity Theory.
Close proximity to another includes a small functional distance and opportunity for continued interaction, which can significantly increase the likelihood of attraction (Sprecher, 1998). Housing research by Festinger, Schacter and Back (1950) found that people rated attraction, magnetism and friendship highest with those living on the same residential floor; rather than those living on other floors or distant buildings (Appendix A); this research evidence the potent effects of proximity on interpersonal attraction.
The Mere Exposure Effect.
The mere exposure effect is a theory explaining the tendency for people to come to like things simply because they see or encounter them repeatedly (Baumeister & Bushman, 2008). Research highlights that repeated exposure to an individual increases attraction and favourabilty. One study by Saegert, Swap, and Zajonk (1973) determined that mere exposure in both positive and negative contexts increased interpersonal attraction. Saegert et al. found that an increased frequency of stimuli enhanced liking and interpersonal attraction. Repeated exposure to another increases the perception of attractiveness (Vaughan & Hogg, 2005).
Similarity of attitudes, values, personality or physical attractiveness is one of the most important determinants of attraction (Sprecher, 1998).
Attitude Similarity Effect.
The attitude-similarity effect is the idea that people find others more attractive and likable the more similar they are in attitudes, beliefs and preferences; including opinions and cognitions about current events, social and political issues, religion, morality, music, literature and similar personalities (Breckler et al., 2006). Research by Lehr and Geher (2006) found that participants presented with potential mates with similar attitudes, judged them as more likable and attractive than dissimilar mates (Lehr & Geher). The attitude similarity effect is prime example of similarity and attractiveness.
Matching Hypothesis.
People who are evenly matched in physical appearance, social background, personality, socioeconomic status, interests and leisure activities are significantly more likely to be considered attractive by their similar counterpart (Joiner, 1994). Matching hypothesis specifically elucidates that people are attracted to others who are similar in physical attractiveness (Kalick & Hamilton III, 1986) (Appendix-B).
Similarity is important in attraction because it produces cognitive consistency, reinforcement through positive outcomes, reinforcement through attitude validation and the high probability of reciprocity because of the perceived similarities (Michener & DeLamater, 1999). Correspondingly, personality and affect are also important determinants of attraction.
Personality & Affect.
Numerous theories and research studies suggest that personality and affect are the most important determinants attraction (Sprecher, 1998). As the attitude similarity effect suggests, similar or complementary personalities are most attractive (Klohnen & Lou, 2003). Research by Sprecher displayed that a desirable personality and friendly, warm and kind disposition were the most important determinants of attraction.
Affect, a person’s emotional state, is a further psychosocial variable of attractiveness perception. Related to personality, a positive affect and cheerful disposition have a direct effect on interpersonal attraction (Byrne, 1997). Byrne and Clore’s (1970) Affect-Attraction model highlights the relationship between positive and negative affect and interpersonal attraction (Appendix-C). Humor is a further powerful predictor of attraction, helping to strengthen social bonds and increase liking (Johnson, 2003). The Laughter-Attraction model highlights the relationship between humor and attractiveness (Fraley & Aron, 2004) (Appendix-D).
Reciprocity Theory.
The reciprocity principle is the tendency in people to become more attracted to those whom they believe are attracted to them (Lehr & Geher, 2006); we like those who like us and dislike those who dislike us (Vaughan & Hogg, 2005).
Reciprocation of liking has a powerful effect on attraction in romantic relationships and friendships; and is an important factor in finding a mate attractive (Baumeister & Bushman, 2008).
Reinforcement theory asserts that people tend to be attracted to those who reward or praise them; or are present when one receives rewards (Michener & DeLamater, 1999).
Reinforcement Affect Model.
Reinforcement affect model is a model of attraction which postulates that we like people who are around when we experience a positive feeling. Byrne and Clore’s (1970) reinforcement affect model (Appendix-F) draws on classical conditioning, with paired positive stimuli and responses increasing and reinforcing liking and attraction.
Social Exchange Theory.
An extension of the reinforcement model is the social exchange theory, which analyses the costs and benefits of interacting with another, especially within a sexual attraction realm (South, 1991). Research has highlighted that such reinforcement rewards include sex, money, attention, respect, praise, love and enjoyment (Sprecher, 1998). Reinforcement is a strong predictor of attraction as it is pleasing to receive praise, rewards and positive feedback (Sprecher).
Physical Attractiveness.
Physical attractiveness is the combination of tangible characteristics that are evaluated as beautiful or handsome (Baron, Byrne, & Branscombe, 2006). Good looks have been found to outweigh many other factors of attraction (Walster, Aronson, Abrahams, & Rottman, 1966). Physical attractiveness is a far more crucial attractiveness variable for women than men; as it denotes youth, fertility and health (Walster at al.). Physical attractiveness includes facial and bodily features.
Facial Features.
The structure of the face, facialmetrics, involves the measurement of a large number of facial features to determine the proportions and measurements of an attractive face. Research by Cunningham, Barbee, and Pike (1990) found that men prefer women with large eyes, a small nose and chin, prominent cheekbones, high eyebrows, large pupils and a large smile. Research has also shown that women with pout lips and an even skin tone are considered more attractive (Barber, 1998). Cunningham et al. found that females preferred men with prominent cheekbones, a large chin, a wide smile and eyes that did not deviate from the average (Appendix-G).
Averageness theory holds that people who look different from the norm are generally regarded as less attractive (Baumeister & Bushman, 2008) (Appendix-H). Langlois and Roggman (1990) assert that evolutionary pressures and natural selection generally favour average rather than extreme population features; and the influence of prototypes and cognitive schemas bias people toward average, prototypical faces. Facial averageness is influenced by biological, cognitive, and mere exposure psychosocial factors in the perception of attractiveness (Langlois & Roggman).
Facial symmetry is the equilibrium or mirrored proportion of the human face, which is a strong determinant of physical attractiveness (Mealey, Bridgstock, & Townsend, 1999). Facial symmetry has been found to be important in conveying information about gender, sexual maturity, immune quality and genotypic quality (Mealey et al.). Computer-generated symmetry research conducted by Grammer and Thornhill (1994) found significant positive effects for facial symmetry and attractiveness in both males and females. (Appendix-I).
Bodily Features.
Male and female body shape and weight are asserted as important in the judgement of why some people are considered attractive.
Body shape is an important component of physical attractiveness and sex appeal. Typically, men prefer the classic hourglass figure in a women (waist hip ratio of .70) as it signifies youthfulness, good health and fertility (Singh, 1993). The typically desired body shape for men is the ‘triangle’ consisting of a waist hip ratio of 1.0 and larger shoulders (Singh) (Appendix-J). The judgement of attractiveness and weight is, however, largely determined by cultural context, time period and innate factors.
Factors Influencing Attraction.
Attraction, specifically physical attraction, is significantly influenced by the context of culture, time period and innate evolutionary factors. Research on female physical attractiveness was conducted by Swami, Caprario, Tovee, and Furnham (2006), which found that Japanese men preferred images of women with significantly lower Body-Mass-Indexes and were significantly more reliant on body shape than British participants. Additionally, research on male physical attractiveness across British and Greek participants asserts that Greek women show a significantly greater preference for a low waist-to-chest ratio and a smaller overall body weight than did British women (Swami et al. 2007). Cross cultural variances in attraction are explained through historical, societal, gender-role and socioeconomic contexts. The perception of why people are attractive is a complex and uncertain concept that is influenced by culture and time (Carr, 2003).
Attractiveness perception of females has also evolved through generations (Barber, 1998). Appendix-K provides a trans-generational analysis of attractiveness. The perception of attractiveness is also influenced by innate biological and evolutionary drives. Men are attracted to women who have biological markers of fertility, health, youth, high estrogen levels and good child bearing ability. Women are attracted to men who show signs of power, virility, aggression and wealth to supply resources (Gangestad & Scheyd, 2005).
Integrational Model.
A multitude of factors determine why some people are considered attractive. This blog hypothesises an ‘integrational model’ illustrating propinquity, similarity, personality and affect, reciprocity, reinforcement and physical attractiveness are important psychosocial variables in the perception of attractiveness. Integrational model suggests that attraction relies on the combination and interaction of psychosocial variables and asserts that these variables are influenced by factors such as culture, time and innate evolutionary drives (Appendix-L).
In conclusion, many psychosocial variables determine the perception of interpersonal attraction (Concept Map-A) yet due to space restrictions, I have included what I believe are the most formative and integral components in attraction including: propinquity, similarity, personality and affect, reciprocity, reinforcement, physical attractiveness and factors influencing attractiveness perception (Concept Map-B). This blog has highlighted and discussed these variables through analysis of theories, models and research evidence. Interpersonal attraction and the perception of attractiveness is a complex construct, with myriad psychosocial determinants.
1547 words excluding references, headings, citations and appendices.
For Reference List : Please Visit Reference List
Self Assessment
* I have attempted to incorporate a breadth and depth of theories and models.
* I have analysed theories and models and included many of the models in the appendix. I have also formulated my own ‘Integrational Model’.
* I have included many theories and models of ‘attractiveness’ including Proximity theory, mere exposure effect, attitude similarity effect, matching hypothesis, reciprocity theory, reinforcement affect model, social exchange theory, and averageness theory.
* I have attempted to incorporate a breadth and depth of research studies.
* I have integrated theory and research- detailing information about theories and evidencing them with appropriate research and references.
* I have an extensive reference list of 26 main references- evidencing a multitude of research reports and academic journals
* I researched the topic extensively- this can be seen with my clear evolution of thinking, extensive reference list and concept map A- showing a great understanding of the entire field of attractiveness.
Written Expression
* It is my belief that my blog has fluently expressed and analysed the ‘Attractiveness’ question.
* I believe that I have answered the question. Providing information on why some people are considered attractive and factual analysis of theories, models, and research studies.
* I have attempted to publish a smooth, easy to follow blog. I have an abstract, introduction which clearly highlights the direction of my blog, and headings throughout the blog. I have also given a definitive conclusion to my blog.
* Readability Analysis- I Received a Gunning Fog Index of: 17.21 I Received a Flesch Reading Ease of: 17.51
I understand that this is not as ‘desirable’ as hoped- yet I believe that my writing is academic yet simple and comprehensible. I have also formatted my blog to be highly readable.
Other Markers of Readability-
* I have included a meaningful, descriptive essay title
* I have included an abstract
* I have included subheadings
* I have included many figures to give a greater breadth of knowledge to my blog.
* I have included images and multimedia
* I have included appendices.
* Use of Examples- I have used copious amounts of examples- I have used pictures of well known celebrities that typify aspects of my blog. I have used models and diagrams to evidence and example many of the theories and research findings.
* I have included many Appendices to further explain, clarify or illustrate my findings.
* APA style- I have conformed to the APA standards throughout my blog- In text citations and referencing have been strictly adhered to.
Online Engagement
* It is my belief that I have had a high online engagement for blog 2.
* I chose my topic very early in the term, showing enthusiasm and preparedness.
* I have published many blogs throughout the term.
* I Have sought and gathered meaningful comments throughout the term. I have commented on the following peoples blogs:
-Beck’s Blog
-Bec’s Blog
-Bethany’s Blog
-Emma’s Blog
-Emily’s Blog
-Erin’s Blog
-Graham’s Blog
-Josie’s Blog
-Kim’s Blog
-Luke’s Blog
-Mike’s Blog
-Mrs Freud’s Blog
* In turn, I have received over 36 comments on my blog from other students and James. Which has assisted in the depth of my knowledge
* I have meaningfully replied to several of my comments- clarifying points, discussing ideas and assisting other students with blogging issues.
* I have published 16 bloggings- each time I have posted my essay have evolved and grown in depth and breadth. I have written meaningful insights, academic findings and published a draft introduction to get feedback on the progress and direction of my blog.
* I have read and noted many of my comments- and adapted my blog accordingly.
* I have certainly made effective use of multimedia- images, embedded video- I have posted a series of attractiveness videos, have posted the dove evolution of beauty campaign and have provided many photo’s to evidence the research that I have detailed.
* I Have received 3 * (Stars) on my blog which highlights that my blog has been active, regular and that I have had a clear evolution of thinking in weeks 8-15.
* I believe my online engagement to be extremely high. I have made MANY comments, suggested academic journals to other students, collaborated with students who are doing similar questions. I have made MANY blog postings and have effectively utilised the entire blog format- using video, pictures, polls etc.
I believe that I deserve at least a distinction + for my online engagement. I have been very active, enthusiastic and open throughout the semester.
Overall I believe that I have produced a meaningful, insightful and deep blog. I have detailed and discussed many theories, models and research studies. I have done a great deal of research on the topic and consider myself to be very knowledgeable on the entire ‘attractiveness’ topic. I am disappointed that I could not have written 3000 words, because I found so much valuable research and theory to include.
I have written a clear, concise, readable blog and have engaged, evolved and been enriched throughout the term. I believe that I deserve to do well, as I have put an enormous amount of effort into my blog.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Concept Map A
Appendix A: Propinquity
Festinger, Schacter, & Back (1950) studied propinquity in apartments and determined that those closest were more likely to be attracted or liked.
Propinquity permits attraction because of familiarity, availability and expectation of continued interaction (Vaughan & Hogg, 2005).
The Festinger physical proximity experiment found those in apartments 1 and 6 interacted frequently; 5 and 10; and those next door to eachother.
Festinger, L., Schachter, S., & Back, K. (1950). Social pressures in informal groups: A study of human factors in housing. New York: Harper.
Vaughan, G.M., & Hogg, M.A. (2005). Introduction to Social Psychology (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Appendix B: Matching Hypothesis

Mismatched- Heidi Klum and Seal- Very different attractiveness levels (Heidi is a Victoria Secret Model), different race, 10 years age difference.
Joiner, T.E. Jr. (1994). The interplay of similarity and self-verification in relationship formation. Social Behavior and Personality, 22, 195-200.
Appendix C: Attraction-Affect Model
Byrne, D., & Clore, G.L. (1970). A reinforcement-affect model of evaluative responses. Personality: An International Journal, 1, 103-128.
Appendix D: Laughter-Attraction Model
Appendix E: Reciprocity- The Gain Loss Hypothesis

Appendix F: Reinforcement Affect Model
Some people are attractive because they supply us with rewards, praise or benefits- which makes us associate them with pleasurable experiences (Michener & DeLameter, 1999).
A variation of reinforcement theory derived from learning is the reinforcement affect model (Byrne & Clore, 1970); drawn from Classical Conditioning, which asserts:
* People identify stimuli as rewarding or punishing and seek out the former while avoiding the latter.
* Positive feelings are associated with rewarding stimuli
* People can be liked or disliked depending on whether they are associated with positive or negative stimuli. (Vaughan & Hogg, 2005)
Byrne, D., & Clore, G.L. (1970). A reinforcement-affect model of evaluative responses. Personality: An International Journal, 1, 103-128.
Michener, H.A., & DeLamater, J.D. (1999). Social Psychology (4th ed.). Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Vaughan, G.M., & Hogg, M.A. (2005). Introduction to Social Psychology (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Appendix G: Facial Features/Facialmetrics


Facial Features:
Women: Large Eyes, small nose and chin, prominent cheekbones, high eyebrows, large pupils, large smile, pout lips and even skin tone.
Celebrity Example: Carmen Electra typifies an attractive woman from the previous list.

Men: Prominent Cheekbones, large chin, wide smile, eyes that do not deviate from the average. Evolutionary theory also favours men who have bushy dark eyebrows and facial hair- as a sign of testosterone and verility.
Celebrity Example: Patrick Dempsey typifies each component of male facial attractiveness.
Barber, N. (1998). Secular changes in standards of bodily attractiveness in American women: Different masculine and feminine ideals. The Journal of Psychology, 132, 87-94.
Breckler, S.J., Olson, J.M., & Wiggins, E.C. (2006). Social Psychology Alive. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.
Cunningham, M.R., Barbee, A.P., & Pike, C.L. (1990). What do women want? Facialmetric assessment of multiple motives in the perception of male and female facial physical attractiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 61-72.
Appendix H: Facial Averageness

Facial averageness is influenced by biological, cognitive and learning factors.
Again, a composite of the Miss Universe 2005 contestants proved to be more attractive than the actual winner- survey's report.


Langlois, J.H., & Roggman, L.A. (1990). Attractive faces are only average. Psychological Science, 1, 115-121.
Appendix I: Facial Symmetry
Those people with symmetrical faces are considered highly physically attractive: from a fashion and evolutionary viewpoint.
Left Not Symmetrical; Right Symmetrical
Baumeister, R.F., & Bushman, B.J. (2008). Social Psychology and Human Nature. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.
Appendix J: Bodily Features
Left To Right: Ratio 0.70; 0.80; 0.90; 1.0.
Celebrity Jessica Alba has a .70 WHR- with measurements 34-24-34. She is considered an 'attractive ideal' in Western Society in 2007.

Men- are typically considered as attractive with a 'triangle' physique consisting of a waist hip ratio of 1.0 with large shoulders and chest.

Men: Ratio Left to Right: .70; .80; .90; 1.0.

Breckler, S.J., Olson, J.M., & Wiggins, E.C. (2006). Social Psychology Alive. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.
Appendix K- Trans-Generational Analysis.



Throughout the 1920’s and 30’s the thin, flapper look was the ideal, with short dark hair and masculine qualities: dictated by the depression, war etc.


Twiggy is the epitome of the 1960’s female physique landscape, with a thin frame, long legs, geometric clothing and hair and sullen face.


Appendix L: Integrational Model
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Matching Hypothesis and Celebrity Couples


Monday, October 22, 2007
Introduction- Attractiveness
Let me know if there is anything else that should be included.
Attractiveness and interpersonal attraction are defined as the allure, magnetism or liking between two or more people (Breckler, Olsen, & Wiggins, 2006). Interpersonal attraction utilises a multitude of social psychological theories and research. This blog will analyse why some people are considered attractive. It will discuss the concept of propinquity including proximity, the mere exposure effect and balance theory. Next this blog will analyse similarity and attraction including the attitude similarity effect and matching hypothesis. Reinforcement and attraction will also be highlighted, discussing the reinforcement-affect model, social exchange theory and equity theory. The concept of reciprocity will be addressed, analysing reciprocity theory and the gain loss hypothesis. Further, this blog will discuss the relationship between physical attractiveness and attraction including theories of facial features and bodily features. Attractiveness perception will be discussed in a cross cultural and trans-generational context. Finally, this blog will propose an ‘Integrational Model’ of attractiveness theorising that many interacting theories and research findings can provide a comprehensive explanation of why some people are considered attractive.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Cross Cultural Perception of Attractiveness
Different studies have highlighted that across cultures and ethnic groups- attractiveness ratings differs.
* Cunningham, Roberts, Wu, Barbee, & Druen (1995) found a correlation Hispanics and Whites perception of facial attractiveness, but found that Asians were less influenced by sexual maturity and expressive features. (Exposure to Western media did not influence attractiveness ratings). It was also found that facial attractiveness was highly correlated between Whites and Blacks--- but a major difference in the perception of attractive bodies. The 'Blacks' (as the study calls African American & African participants) found a larger woman more attractive than the 'whites' (Caucasian participants).
* Swami et al (2007)- Male physical attractiveness in Britain and Greece- found that Greek women showed a stronger preference for a lower Waist to Chest Ratio and a smaller overall body weight. It is argued that gender roles are different in each country and that an attractive body for Greek women is a man with a muscular frame and V shaped torso. This is reflected in many ancient Greek art works and Greek culture- that masculinity and an athletic V shaped body is ideal.
* Swami et al (2006) Female physical attractiveness in Britain and Japan- found many cross cultural differences occur between British and Japanese perception of an attractive female body. Results showed that Japanese participants prefered images of women with significantly lower Body Mass Indexes than Britons. Results also showed that Japanese participants were more reliant on body shape than Britons when judging physical attractiveness. This journal discusses that Japanese people endorse an extremely thin body Ideal- Sociocultural Theory. They also argue western society may have influenced japanese perception of attractiveness.
Again, this study asserts that gender roles may be important in the perception of attractiveness cross culturally- One example from another example is:
2 distinct cultures Denmark (rich, less sex role stereotyped) and Portugal (poorer, more sex role stereotyped)- Finding Portugese subjects display a much stronger preference for traditional thin and hourglass females and V shaped males- perhaps this could apply for the Japanese predominance for a thinner female- and the importance of attractiveness in Japanese Culture.
Attractiveness not only changes from culture to culture.... but has also changed over time.
* Barber- documented the female bodily attractiveness standard for Miss america and Playboy over time... and also juxtaposed the body types of Women in Playboy (mens attraction magazine) and Vogue (womens fashion magazine) and showed that women in Playboy were far more buxom and curvaceous- which men found significantly more appealing.
Just a few of the interesting things that I have found...
Attractiveness perception appears to be fluid in some respects and stagnant is others.
Physical Attractiveness especially appears to be very very fickle....
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Attractiveness- A rough draft. Why are some people attractive?
ISSUE 1) What sort of attraction am I talking about. Is it just 'sexual' attraction, 'interpersonal' attraction, 'relationship' attraction, 'friendship' attraction...
I am thinking of stating that it will be 'interpersonal' attraction with a predominance towards intimate relationship attraction (as that is what most of the research is about).
Introduction- Introduce what attractiveness is, give direction for the essay.
* Nearness or proximity in physical or psychological space which creates the opportunity to meet another person'.
* The likelihood of meeting, spatial ecology and functional distance. 'Westgate and Westgate West experiment- where it was found that proximity and physical closeness somewhat predicted relationships and friendships.
* Familiarity/Mere Exposure- Proximity generally leards to increased exposure and greater familiarity.
* Availability- People who live close by are accessible- and interaction requires little effort and rewards of interacting are low cost.
* Expectation of continued interaction- (Balance Theory)- It would be an uncomfortable experience not to get along with neighbours- greater interaction is anticipated. Berscheid experiment (1976) where university students rated higher attraction to someone who they perceived as a greater accessibility and continued interaction.
Attitude similarity effect- the idea that peope find others more attractive and likeable the more similar they are in attitudes, beliefs and preferences.
* Compatible attitudes
* Self disclosure
* Matching Hypothesis
* Birds of a feather flock together v opposites attract
* Similar beliefs, morals, SES, status, edication, intelligence, personality- (Research)
* Liking begets reciprocal liking.
* If someone likes you, it is hard to resist liking that person in return.
* Mimicking (Confederate research study Chartrant & Bargh, 1999)
* Unrequited love
The are attracted to someone who brings about favourable rewards for us.
* Reinforcement-affect model
*Social Exchange Theory
* Exchange or rewards including: goods, information, love, money, services, status.
* Equity Theory
* Facial Symmetry
* Facial Features (eyes, nose, cheekbones, jawline, facial fat)
* Bodily features (Waist hip ratio; Body mass index; height)
* Body Odour (Pheremones, perfumes, foul odour)
* Hopefully I will be able to incorperate some cross cultural and 'over generations or centuries' theories and research to highlight that 'why some people are considered attractive; is a plastic concept- a malleable construct that is ever evolving and being influenced by a multitude of variables.
At present I have some Britain v Greece male attractiveness study and Britain v Japan female sttractiveness study. I will also try to touch on the attractiveness of various ethnicities.
I also hope to incoperate an evolutionary social psychology flavour- indicating that many of the 'attractiveness' facets are believed to have an evolutionary heritage.
Thats all for now... Let me know if there is anything else that anyone thinks or wants me to discuss, please let me know. xxxx
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Facial Symmetry- Piercings and Beauty Spots
BEAUTY SPOTS (MOLES)- If facial symmetry is so important, then why do some of the most beautisul women in the world have beauty spots.. these are clearly not adding to the symmetry of the face.
Many 'beautiful' celebrities have beauty spots-- sarah jessica parker, angelina jolie, cindy crawford etc etc...


PIERCINGS- This time, a voluntary way to make your face non-symmetrical- Think fergie, Pink, Kelly Clarkson- Do you think it adds to their facial attractiveness or detracts from it?

What do you think about symmetry?
The ability to cope with these pressures is partly reflected in the levels of symmetry. A higher degree of symmetry indicates a better coping system for environmental factors. While the visible signs of this may not be particularly apparent, it is thought that they have at least a subconscious effect on people's perception of their beauty. Zaidel et al. in an empirical study upholds the claim that facial symmetry may be critical for the appearance of health. Their study disputes, however, the beauty or attractiveness claim.
Facial symmetry is neither the only trait nor is it necessarily the most important trait of what a culture considers attractive. The competing aesthetic theory of wabi sabi posits the existence of beauty through imperfection.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Why are some people attractive? I want your thoughts
How do each of the following principles apply to someone who you have been attracted to?
Propinquity- Mere exposure, proximity- kinda like the song "Love the one your with"
Reciprocity- Liking someone who already likes you. Settling...
Similarity- Similar attitudes, values, interests, beliefs etc..
Beauty- Waist Hip ratio, facial features, symmetrical face, youthfulness, ethnicity etc..
Economic Benefits- 'Social Exchange Theory' maximising benefits by associating with someone of high status, power, looks etc...
I believe that all of this influences us..
In my case, I was initially attracted to my boyfriend (although I was 15 at the time) for several reasons
* Reciprocity- he liked me, showed interest in me and I was flattered
* Propinquity- Lived in my home town, mutual friends,
* Beauty- he had characteristics that I found attractive- and are typically attractive for men- darker skin, prominent lower jaw, large shoulders in comparison to waist and hips, etc
Obviously personality also.....
But I think the similarity may be what has sustained the relationship- I did not know a great deal about him upon first attraction- but liked him more as i began to know him more.
If anyone has any thoughts on attraction/attractiveness please drop me a line.... Thanks
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Why are some people attractive... some preliminary social-psychological theory
* Propinquity- Being near someone. Procimity, Familiarity, Availability, Mere Exposure, Expectation of continued interaction.
* Reciprocity- We tend to like those who like us, and dislike those who dislike us. Mimicking
* Similarity- Tend to like others who are similar to us (especially attitudes, values). Matching Hypothesis, Reinforcement Theory.
* Beauty- Symmetry, Typicality, Body Shape, Facial Features, Ethnicity, youth... etc etc
* Balance Theory- people like others who are similar to them because agreement is an affirming
experience involving positive affect.
* Reinforcement Theories- Behaviours that are reinforced tend to be repeated. Tend to be attracted to those who are rewarding.
* Social Exchange Theory- People are motivated to maximise benefits and minimise costs in relationships with others. Rewards eg love, friendship, sex... Costs eg effort, conflice, sacrifice.
There are a lot of social psychological variables to be discussed.
These are some of the main points I will be discussing.
Reference Bushman and Baumeister (2008)
Vaughan and Hogg (2005).
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
★☆★ The Dove self-esteem Fund
This is an absolutley awesome video of attractiveness and modeling... take the minute to watch it and let me know what you think.
Its true.... no wonder our perception of attractiveness is distorted in the modern world.
Some ideas on Attractiveness

“Rubens women” (1505) are an extreme example which portrays women not only consistent with the social trend at that time, but most likely reflected the personal taste of the painter. A glance at the paintings and sculptures of the old masters clearly shows that for centuries feminine figures which were once considered to be appealing, would be regarded today as being too large. Researchers have stated that in former times the ideal of attractiveness, or being fat, was considered to be a status symbol. Only the well-to-do could afford to eat well, while the poor remained slender from lack of food. However today, the supply of food is abundant and fat has lost its value of information as a sign of prosperity

This can be compared to women of today, who are considered attractive if they are slim, slender and less 'fleshy'.
The Waist Hip Ratio
Ratio of 0.6
Waist Hip Ratio of 0.7- This is considered the ideal in many western cultures
A waist hip ratio of 0.8
Characteristics of Beautiful Faces
FemalesCharacteristic features of the female "sexy face":
Suntanned skin
Narrower facial shape
Less fat
Fuller lips
Slightly bigger distance of eyes
Darker, narrower eye brows
More, longer and darker lashes
Higher cheek bones
Narrower nose
No eye rings
Thinner lids

Attractive Face Unattractive
Prototype Prototype
Male Faces
Characteristics of the male "Sexy face"
Browner skin
Narrower facial shape
Less fat
Fuller and more symmetrical lips
Darker eye brows
More and darker lashes
Upper half of the face broader in relation to the lower
Higher cheek bones
Prominent lower jaw
More prominent chin
No receding brows
Thinner lids
No wrinkles between nose and corner of the mouth


Attractive Unattractive
Prototype Prototype
Research can be found enormously influencing attractiveness-stereotype: The more attractive the presented faces were, the more successful, content, friendly, intelligent, socialble, accessible, exciting, creative and busy the persons were estimated. The opposite applies to unattractive faces: The more unattractive the faces were the more negative characteristics were attributed to the person.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Some Beautiful People.... Just to get you thinking





