Thursday, October 25, 2007

Matching Hypothesis and Celebrity Couples

Matching hypothesis asserts that people who are evenly matched in physical appearance, social background, personality, race, socioeconomic status, interests and leisure activities are significantly more likely to be considered attractive by their similar counterpart (Joiner, 1994;Sprecher, 1998). Matching hypothesis specifically elucidates that people are attracted to others who are similar in physical attractiveness.

I am going to include an appendix of some examples of matching hypothesis-

Let me know if there are any celebrities that you think are really matched or not matched at all.

Stefi Graf and Andre Agassi- Well matched- Similar looks, similar age, similar race (although different ethnicities), similar interests (tennis).
Seal and Heidi Klum- Not as well matched (on the surface at least)- A fairly large attractiveness discrepancy, 10 years age difference, different race.
Matching hypothesis is an interesting idea- Obviously seal and Heidi Klum have stayed together- perhaps it was reciprocity, reinforcement, or propinquity that initiated their attraction?
Let me know your thoughts.

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